Request a Care Package

care package box

What Our Care Packages Include:

  1. Immediate Comfort: Soft pillow, delectable chocolate, calming tea, relaxing shower steamer and soothing eye mask provide instant solace, offering a comforting touch during this emotionally challenging time.
  2. Healing Items: Delve into the emotional healing journey with a devotional baby book and journal.
  3. Sentimental Gift: Given as a gift from us, an angel ornament honors the memory of your precious one. Each one is handmade from volunteers.
  4. Donated Essentials: An assortment of thoughtfully curated items are donated by supporters of our mission.

Feel the warmth of support through our care packages, designed to embrace and uplift you during this difficult period. We stand with you on this journey of healing.

Fill in Your Info

Care Packages


Pay It Forward

With supporters like you, we can continue to offer care packages to women who have just experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth. Make a donation to provide comfort to another grieving mother.

Missing Pieces Support Group Board of Directors