
Every Contribution Counts

Every contribution, whether large or small, makes a difference in ensuring that we are able to meet the needs of our community by providing us with the flexibility to allocate resources where they are most needed throughout the year.

Before making your donation, check if your employer offers a matching gift program. Check Here.

Conveniently donate online and receive a tax-deductible statement upon submission. You can set it for one-time or recurring donation. Donate Here.
Print out this form and then mail it with your check to P.O. Box 111564, Houston, TX 77293. Please make your check payable to “Missing Pieces Support Group”
Print out this form and then mail it with your cash donation to P.O. Box 111564, Houston, TX 77293.

Care Package Initiative

Your donation provides families experiencing pregnancy loss with thoughtful items and resources that offer comfort, hope, and connection during their healing journey.

Individuals, families, small businesses, and organizations can donate financially on a monthly or annual basis to support grieving families. The Care Package Collective (CPC) combines all donors’ gifts within this giving program to create a large, lasting impact in providing meaningful support.

Learn More About CPC

We have a wish list of essential items needed to fulfill our care package requests for this year. These items are shipped directly to us and included in each package we send.

Amazon Wish List 

Make a meaningful impact by donating materials to make our pillows and ornaments.

Explore our wish list to purchase needed items to be shipped directly or contact us to donate materials you already have.

If you have materials, such as fabric, Fiberfil or something else from our wish list, we would love to hear from you.

Contact Us

We have a wish list of materials we need to create the content within our care packages. These materials are shipped directly to us and given to volunteers, who donate their time to making the items that go inside our boxes.

Amazon Wish List          Walmart Wish List

Something else?

Have a unique way to support our mission? Whether it’s physical space, food for an event, or another in-kind donation, we’d love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to share your idea!